Maree Bridger
IPAA Councillor
Deputy Secretary, Chief Operating Officer
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Maree Bridger is Chief Operating Officer at the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.
Maree has worked in the APS for 16 years across a range of policy, program, regulatory, corporate and service delivery functions and she has held senior roles at Services Australia, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Australian Customs Service.
Prior to the APS Maree had seventeen years in the private sector and held roles at the Shell Company, Osborne Computers and Austar United Communications. Prior to her move to the public sector, Maree worked as a consultant for eight years, with a specific focus on organisational change, strategic planning, maximising competitive advantage and building organisational capability.
Maree has a Bachelor of Economics from ANU, Executive MBA from the AGSM at UNSW and is a Certified Practicing Accountant.