The IPAA ACT membership base represents over 150,000 professionals in public administration, including all current commonwealth and ACT government departments, plus a range of other corporate and individual members.
If you are a current employee of a commonwealth or ACT government department, or an employee of one of our other members, you are automatically a member of IPAA ACT.
Members |
ACT Public Service |
Attorney-General’s Department |
Australian Bureau of Statistics |
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research |
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) |
Australian Electoral Commission |
Australian Federal Police |
Australian Financial Security Authority |
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare |
Australian Maritime Safety Authority |
Australian National Audit Office |
Australian Office of Financial Management |
Australian Public Service Commission |
Australian Research Council |
Australian Taxation Office |
Australian Trade and Investment Commission |
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre |
Boston Consulting Group |
Cancer Australia |
Clean Energy Regulator |
Climate Change Authority |
Comcare |
Commonwealth Bank of Australia |
Content Group |
Crawford School of Public Policy |
Defence Housing Australia |
Deloitte |
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Department of Defence |
Department of Education |
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations |
Department of Finance |
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
Department of Health and Aged Care |
Department of Home Affairs |
Department of Industry, Science and Resources |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts |
Department of Social Services |
Department of the House of Representatives |
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet |
Department of Veterans’ Affairs |
Digital Transformation Agency |
Ernst & Young |
Geoscience Australia |
Hays |
Holding Redlich |
Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority |
IP Australia |
Maddocks |
Minter Ellison |
National Archives of Australia |
National Blood Authority |
National Emergency Management Agency |
National Health Funding Body |
National Indigenous Australians Agency |
National Library of Australia |
NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission |
Nous Group |
Office of National Intelligence |
Office of Parliamentary Counsel |
Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman |
Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security – IGIS |
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General |
Organ and Tissue Authority |
Parliamentary Budget Office |
Parliamentary Workplace Support Service |
Productivity Commission |
Queensland University of Technology |
Royal Australian Mint |
Safe Work Australia |
SAP Global |
Scyne Advisory |
Sententia Consulting |
Services Australia |
Synergy Group |
The Treasury |
Torres Strait Regional Authority |
University of New South Wales |