• Australian Journal of Public Administration image

The Australian Journal of Public Administration (AJPA) is the quarterly journal of record on public administration, public management and public policy in Australia.

Aimed at a diverse readership, AJPA is committed to the study and practice of public administration, public management and policy making. It encourages research, reflection and commentary amongst those interested in a range of public sector settings – federal, state, local and inter-governmental. The journal focuses on Australian concerns but welcomes manuscripts relating to international developments of relevance to the Australian experience.

Member access

The Australian Journal of Public Administration (AJPA) is free for all IPAA members. You can access the latest edition of the AJPA and an archive of past editions via the IPAA National website. Please contact membership@act.ipaa.org.au to receive your password.

Submit a manuscript for publishing

To submit a manuscript for publication in the AJPA from either an academic or practitioner perspective, visit the Wiley Online Library.

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