Professor Toni Erskine
ANU Coral Bell School
Toni Erskine is Professor of International Politics in the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University (ANU) and Associate Fellow of the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at Cambridge University. She is Chief Investigator of the Defence-funded ‘Anticipating the Future of War: AI, Automated Systems, and Resort-to-Force Decision Making’ Research Project and a Chief Investigator and Founding Member of the ‘Humanising Machine Intelligence’ Grand Challenge at ANU. She also currently serves as Academic Lead for the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)/Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) ‘AI for the Social Good’ Research Project and in this capacity has worked closely with government departments in Thailand and Bangladesh. Her research interests include the impact of new technologies (particularly AI) on organised violence, specifically focusing on the impact of human-machine interaction on decision-making in war; the moral agency and responsibility of formal organisations in world politics; the ethics of war; the responsibility to protect (RtoP); and the role of joint purposive action and informal coalitions in response to global crises. She is completing a book on Locating Responsibility: Institutional Moral Agency in a World of Existential Threats and is the recipient of the International Studies Association’s 2024 International Ethics Distinguished Scholar Award