Tess Bishop
IPAA Councillor
Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Secretary
Strategy, Enterprise and Engagement Group
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Tess has over 20 years’ experience across the public, private and not for profit sectors in Australia and the United Kingdom. Since January 2017, she has held Deputy Secretary roles at both the state and federal level, achieving major outcomes with lasting positive impact. This includes leading priority projects such as founding the Office for Rural and Regional Queensland, establishing the Priority and Delivery Unit for the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and delivering the Transformation Action Plan for the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
She is currently the Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Secretary of the Strategy, Enterprise, and Engagement Group in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. It is a pivotal role overseeing the full suite of corporate and assurance services, as well as navigating high risk, complex and varied policy and enterprise strategy.
Tess is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is an experienced Non-Executive Director. She has previously served on the Board of Screen Queensland, the Queensland Chapter of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the Board of the Townsville Port Authority, and the Pathways to Resilience Trust.
Tess holds a Master of International Relations, a Graduate Certificate in Business Management and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Political Science and Public Policy. She has also completed the Australia New Zealand School of Government Executive Fellows Program.
Professional memberships include the Institute of Public Administration Australia and IAP2 Australasia.