We strive to build the best public sector, for the benefit of all, and we do this through ensuring excellence in our governance.
IPAA ACT is one of eight local divisions of the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA).
IPAA ACT is governed by a board and council consisting of senior leaders from across our membership. The Board of Directors is the primary governing body and is appointed by the council. To meet our current board and council click here.
Our members include all current commonwealth departments, a large number of agencies, the ACT public service, private sector organisations, not for profits, and academia.
Strategic pillars
Our mission Promoting excellence and professionalism in public administration.
Our priorities
Connecting a trusted public service
Promoting a spirit of service
Strengthening capability and professionalism
Extending our reach and engagement
Strategic plan
IPAA ACT’s purpose is to build a better public sector for Australia’s communities, and we are committed to promoting excellence and professionalism in public administration. Our strategic plan 2022-2025 outlines how we will work towards this over the next three years.
The plan centres around three key pillars: Connecting a trusted public service; Promoting a spirit of service; and strengthening capability and professionalism. Through our initiatives under each of these pillars, we ensure we can continue to provide opportunities for peak bodies, academia, public and private sector staff to come together and share expertise and knowledge.
You can read our strategic plan here.
IPAA ACT is a company limited by guarantee, governed by a constitution, which is available here.
A new constitution was adopted at a general meeting in November 2018, which then came into effect in May 2019. The new constitution incorporated a number of changes, including:
- the transition from an Incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee;
- the move to a new governance structure including the appointment of a Board; and
- changes to voting rights for corporate and individual members.
In October 2021, the constitution was updated to reflect special resolutions relating to clauses 15 and 17 regarding council and board roles and responsibilities. Click here to find out more about our board and council.
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee
The Finance, Risk and Audit Committee is a sub-committee of the IPAA ACT Board and oversees all corporate, systems, policies, budget and other internal governance processes, and provides assurance and advice to the board and council.