Luiz Pizzato

Decision Science & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre of Excellence Lea

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Luiz Pizzato image

Luiz Pizzato is Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s (CBA’s) Decision Science & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre of Excellence Lead, managing CBA’s AI Labs team and the Retail Decision Science Chapter Areas. Luiz is a data scientist with over 20 years’ experience working in AI and has a PhD in Natural Language Processing (NLP), focusing on building retrieval algorithms for question answering. Luiz has deep expertise in Recommender Systems, being the person who defined the area of reciprocal recommender by developing the first algorithms for online dating recommenders. Besides delivering various impactful AI innovations across CBA, Luiz’ team has built the award winning detection of abuse using AI and the weather data models. Before joining CBA, Luiz held previous positions in academia, start-ups, and global consulting firms, managing their innovation labs

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